Saturday 11 February 2017

Body Shaming

Nigeria my country where the big and fat are the mature, comfortable and wealthy, where the fleshy are respected, where the Slim and skinny are considered sick and unhealthy.
Its worse when one used to be fleshy but knowingly or unknowingly became slim you'd here words like " ah! What happened to you? Why and how did u turn like this? Are you ok? Why are u so thin?" It gets so bad that people who become affected by this skinny shaming seek other means to grow fat some go about consuming a lot of fatty food while some get medication, while it works for some, it doesn't have any effect on others as their bodies remain same.
Meanwhile its the other way round in the western world you dare not call anyone fat as it is considered rude and insulting.
Nigeria my country, why is the concern not "health"? Does one have to wait for a medical practitioner's prescription before he/she goes exercising and eating healthy? Infact, a lot of them do not even know the importance of body mass index.
Because I'm on the skinny/slim side and I experience this often especially when I run into old mates and they ask a million questions as to why I became this slim OMG! I love being slim no one ever guessed my age right it becomes better when I'm off makeup as I look a lot more younger as if that aint enough some people argue with me over my age.
I think we all have the right to be and look however we want as long as we are comfortable bearing in mind that health is wealth.
Nigerians please let's desist from body shaming and encourage healthy living.

Friday 4 March 2016

Know Your Social Media Abbreviations

AMA – Ask Me Anything
ASL Age/Sex/Location
b/c, bc – Because
B4 – Before
BAE – Before Anyone Else
BFF – Best Friends Forever
BRB – Be right back
BTW – Between, By The Way
DFTBA – Don’t forget to be awesome
DM – Direct Message
ELI5 – Explain like I’m 5 (years old)
FB – Facebook
FBF – Flashback Friday
FF – Follow, Following
FTW – For the win!
FYI – For your information
G2G – Got to go
Gr8 – Great
GTR – Got to run
HBD – Happy birthday
HMB – Hit me back
HMU – Hit me up
IDC – I don’t care
IDK – I don’t know
IG – Instagram
IKR – I know, right?
ILY – I love you
IM – Instant message
IMHO – In my humble opinion
IMO – In my opinion
LMAO – Laughing my a** off
LMK – Let me know
LOL – Laughing out loud
LOLz – Laughing out loud (plural/sarcastic)
MCM – Man crush Monday
MT – Modified tweet
NVM – Never mind
OAN – On another note
OH – Overheard
OMG – Oh my God
OMW – On my way
OOTD – Outfit of the day
OP – Original poster
ORLY – Oh really?!
OTP – One true pairing
P2P – Person to person, or peer to peer
POTD – Photo of the day
PM – Private message
PPL – People
QOTD – Quote of the Day
ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO – Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
RT – Retweet
SM – Social media
SMB – Small business
SMH – Shaking my head
TBH – To be honest
TBT – Throwback Thursday
TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday
Thx – Thanks
TIL – Today I learned
TL;DR – Too Long; Didn’t Read
 TMI – Too much information
TOS – Terms of Service
TTYL – Talk to you later
TTYN – Talk to you never
TTYS – Talk to you soon
Txt – Text
UGC – User generated content
WBU – What about you?
WCW – Woman crush Wednesday
WDYMBT – What do you mean by that?
WOM – Word of mouth
WOTD – Word of the Day
YOLO – You only live once
YSK – You should know

Your Hair Can Grow In Inches

Female? Growing your hair for half a decade or more with little or no growth? Good news! Your hair can grow in inches and lengths only if you CARE for it.
The hair is made up of protein, harsh chemicals such as relaxers, texturizers, perm, colours, creams, shampoos, strip protein off the hair which leaves the hair prone to breakage and damage. Sun, chlorine, air conditioning and heat also damage the hair
Healthy hair journey begins with the use of the right brushes, hair accessories, right relaxer for the hair texture, right chemical process (relaxing & colouring), right shampoo and deep treatment, and regular removal of split ends.
Regular, consistent and diligent shampooing and deep treatment will cleanse, nourish, condition and restore the lost protein, and welcome you to a healthy and lengthy hair.

Letting Go

I remember writing on this topic in Cross River State NYSC publication. I was filled with so much motivation as a fellow corps member just requested I pay some amount of money for hitting her hands while her "then" latest Iphone fell and broke. As much as I can't remember what i wrote, I'm fine I remember the topic and I also remember I paid her when the act was not intended.
LETTING GO of grudges isn't as easy as it sounds for most of us but we will all agree it's one of the best thing anyone can do; Else, our daily advocate for peace and preach against hate are shams. Grudge springs when our subconsciousness accepts and registers a hurtful scenario caused by a person(s) or thing(s) which influences our actions towards d person(s) or thing(s). This means, when we hold grudges we create hatred or dislike for the person(s) or thing(s) which reflects in our actions towards them.
Grudge alters our peace of mind, causes pains, it brings out the monster in us. In fact, the offender would have forgotten the event while we carry it about like an handbag. why not use that time to think about how to multiply income. We all can LET GO when we realise we have total control of our body, we choose to accept every of our feelings e.g. we choose to love or hate. What if you decide never to be hurt by a man's action? What if you have power and control over your feelings? What if you forgive? What if you choose happiness?
Trust me, there are people who barely feel offended you can say they are experienced, yes! They are, something in them tells them not to register anything as bad or hurtful and there are people who forgive easily or at the sound of "I'm sorry". They see everything as a way of life instead of holding grudges they quickly let go and think of a better way to cross the path. You can be one.
Psychologist says holding grudge produces cortisol and diminishes oxytocin
Forgiveness is hard. It’s even harder when the person who hurts us never apologised but we should always find a way to forgive and move on.
 If you still find it difficult to LET GO here are some tips to help.
  • See everything about life as vain
  • Remind yourself that you can't erase the occurrence
  • Talk to the offender in a peaceful tone and manner - ask for an apology
  • Think of an advantage of the occurrence; see it as a lesson
  • Put yourself in the offender's shoe
  • Write it out, read over and over then rip away

Being Fashionable

What do you think about being fashionable, dapper, stylish, posh, elegant, refined. Do you think it's a waste of time, idea, money or resources?
I think it opens doors. Imagine being fashionable and intelligent as well, imagine yourself at a business meeting, stood up to address your colleagues in a polished attire while you gave out your intelligent piece of idea. I assure you the rest is testimony.

Bleaching - The Pros & Cons

The other day at the market I saw this woman with a burnt face I was filled with so much pity but at a second gaze, the face has 3 different colours black, blue and brown. “OMG! Her face is reacting to a strong chemical (cream) she used” I said to myself. I’ve seen quite a lot of skin reacting to chemicals but this was bizarre, what was she looking before it got to that, why don’t  they learn from others do I blame it on ignorance or illiteracy or the sun they are daily exposed to because most of these blue and black faces I see around the markets and streets.
To the educated dark skinned who gradually or suddenly developed a thirst for a brighter completion? Do I call it covetousness? No, I’m not a pastor neither am I a saint but I know it’s nothing far from a deep seated sense of insecurity and unworthiness, even knuckles, ankles and pregnancy disagree with the act.
Hydroquinone is the skin bleaching agent contained in most of the bleaching creams. Hydroquinone works by subduing the enzyme tyrosinase, which is important in melanin development. It is important to be aware that melanin actually provides protection against UV radiation, more effective than any sunscreen known to man and diffuses UV radiation and turns it into harmless heat.
Some even go to the extent of combining hydroquinone with skin products that contain other bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide or other peroxides, or any of the new resorcinol-based skin lightening treatments which is harmful to the skin. Hydroquinone is considered to be safer for light skinned Caucasians and other light skinned but not as safe for darker skinned like Africans.
Prolonged use of hydroquinone and excess sun exposure while using have been linked to the development of exogenous ochronosis (a persistent blue-black pigmentation) especially when hydroquinone is combined with any of the other bleaching agents listed above.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 77% of Nigeria women use skin lightening products, while some men have followed suite some women even apply on their kids.
There is a big difference between seeking a glowing face, healthy and even-toned skin and unhealthy fixation on becoming light skinned by using harmful skin products. You can take good care of your skin by using the healthy skin brighteners, vitamins supplements and lots of vegetables.
Healthier alternatives to hydroquinone includes Kojic acid, Azelaic acid, Arbutin, Vitamins C etc